
This is a podcast about the various legal regimes that govern the use of force and armed conflict – primarily the jus ad bellum regime, which governs when states may lawfully resort to force, and the jus in bello regime (also known as international humanitarian law, or the law of armed conflict), which governs the conduct of armed forces and fighters within an armed conflict — hence the name of the podcast, JIB/JAB. But there are other legal regimes that come into play as well, including international human rights law, domestic constitutional law constraints on the use of force, and other areas of international law such as the law of state responsibility.

As explained at greater length in Episode 1, the podcast will take the form of conversations with experts in these various legal regimes, both about their recent work on specific issues and on events that may have recently engaged these issues. The podcast is aimed both at fellow experts in these related fields, but also at the non-experts who would like to learn more about these areas of law and policy – for there are few more important decisions that governments are called upon to make than those relating to war and peace, and if we are to hold governments accountable for those decisions, we need to understand the issues.

The podcast is created and hosted by Craig Martin, a professor of law at Washburn University School of Law, who specializes in international and comparative law, particularly on those areas of law that relate to the use of force and armed conflict.

If you have feedback, comments, suggestions, please do write! craigxmartin[at]gmail.com.